Do you still remember the times when you needed only banknotes and coins for paying? It’s not so far away, and nowadays paying by a cellphone, smartwatch or fingerprint has become almost so self-evident.
Paying goes more digital, secure and comfortable
Upcoming years the digitalization will change fundamentally the way we pay, and digitalization-driven payment trends are evolving towards the turning point. Groundbreaking technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), digital platforms open up completely new possibilities and enable entirely new approaches to paying.
Digital payment technology contributes to a cashless world. The continued development of cellphones and smartwatches has given rise to contactless payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay. Also, biometric security is used to authenticate payments, such as facial recognition and fingerprint readers. Alipay has launched a few years ago a smile-to-pay for Chinese shoppers and this year they added beauty filters in it.
OPEN utilizes artificial intelligence in OPEN Numbers, which is the perfect solution for easy insight on the go. It provides you with immediate access to your sales and inventory data, all accessible from your phone for easy updates on the go.
Future’s in-car payments bring mobility
In-car payments will open doors to new ways to pay. Electricity, machine learning, 5G network, cashless and artificial intelligence will change the way we pay and travel in the long term. For several years, it has been possible to pay for parking and car wash with registry plate recognition and the fee is debited automatically.
In future car manufactures will include in-car payment options in their vehicles, which brings mobility and opens up completely new possibilities. See the future vision of the Visa credit card company on in-car payments, where food & beverages and car refueling is paid automatically on the go.
In Finland OPEN offers MobiFuel, a high-quality back-end solution for refueling mobile applications. Our solution controls Fuel station’s forecourt and outdoor payment terminal smoothly and securely. In Finland, it has been in commercial usage for three years.